Jenny's Recovery Journey

I thought I had conquered this thing called life, little did I know the power of addiction and alcoholism had its grip on me.”

"My name is Jenny and I let the power of addiction and alcoholism take ahold of my life for more than 10 years. I was angry, selfish, conceited and in denial for many, many years. I thought I had conquered this thing called life, little did I know the power of addiction and alcoholism had its grip on me. I was slowly killing myself (seizures from detoxing) and all my relationships around me. In 2017, my twin brother died from a fentanyl overdose, and I really lost myself after that. Grief, depression and anger took over my life and I had hit the bottle harder than ever. I was nowhere near who I know myself to be today. I had multiple DUIs, on probation, failing urine tests, been to jail and multiple rehabs. I had hit rock bottom. It didn’t just happen overnight for me. It took a lot of work and faith, that I found in my higher power.

All by the Grace of God. I am now a spiritually empowered woman, who is sober! I didn’t know what I was missing until I gave it up to God. I looked deep within my soul and found the reasons why I turned to the bottle. Why I was filled with such troubling characteristics. It took a lot of work, and when I say a lot, I mean an overabundance. I can’t thank my counselor from my last rehab enough for making me dig deep and realize the unnatural behaviors I was displaying. I now have a huge support system and I am very active in the Recovery Church in Sunbury. I make sure to keep it fresh for me by sharing my story, but most importantly continuing to have hope and faith that everything is okay, even when it’s not. Stay Strong and We Do Recover!"